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"... intriguing moments and bursts of very inspired creativity." - My Entertainment World

" the field of transhumanism, (Post-Humanum) gives serious food for thought." - Le Métropolitain

"...catch this eclectic series of bizarre, futuristic, dystopian scenes featuring humans, gods, and robots." - Mooney on Theatre

"...dans le domaine du transhumanisme, (Post-Humanum) donne sérieusement matière à réfléchir." - Le Métropolitain



"A production that is unique, culturally diverse and rare." - Raise the Hammer


"It...lives on in my mind as a wonderful theatrical experience." - Raise the Hammer


"Exciting in a way that traditional amphitheatre performances usually aren’t.

The energy was looser and livelier. " - Mooney on Theatre


"Intriguing piece for its sheer novelty and strangeness." - Mooney on Theatre

"Théâtre multimédia anti-multimédia." - L'Express


"Un spectacle inédit multimédia." - SRC





"Stunning music, sound, and poetry recitation." - Mooney on Theatre

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